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A Guide to Term Deposits and the Best Interest Rates in Hobart and Launceston

Updated: Jul 3, 2019

Term deposits are an intuitive way to multiply the money you have sitting around. For those with a sizeable rainy day savings fund stashed away, term deposits offer an institutionalised way of putting the savings to good use. Term deposits are also an excellent means for those professionally in the investing game to diversify their portfolios. Thanks to the competitiveness among the private and public financial institutions in Tasmania, residents can say that they enjoy profitable term deposit rates in Hobart.

term deposit rates Hobart

What is a term deposit and how do they work?

Term deposits are cash deposits invested for a given period that pay interest on maturity. Investors such as retirees, professional investors and low-income families can rely on term deposits as a secure means of multiplying their money. The maturity amount of the deposit includes interest gathered on principle for the entire duration. Financial institutes offer lucrative interest rates in Launceston and Hobart for term deposits, which can result in a profitable income once the deposit matures.

How to get the best term deposit rates?

Term deposits are not complicated to understand, which is why it is such a viable means of income for senior citizens as well. If you are relying on a good term deposit interest rates in Launceston, then you must bear in mind the following tips:


Investors must first find out how much they stand to earn by participating in a certain investment scheme. Investors who research as much as possible before they make any commitments are the wisest ones and usually pick the scheme with the most potential.

Diversify your investments

A common mistake, especially among rookie term deposit investors, is to invest all their savings into one scheme. Term deposit rates fluctuate more than savings account rates. So, if you invest all your money into one long term deposit scheme, then it may be quite some time before you get to see your profit.

Government guarantee

Investing without a government guarantee is foolhardy. Government guarantees are given for investments up to the sum of $250,000. Often it is seen that investors invest more than $250,000 when they get swayed by profitable term deposit rates in Hobart. One must diversify the investment amount and invest in separate schemes if they have more than $250,000 to invest.

Multiply your interest

Investors can either opt to have their interest deposited every month, or have it paid in full at the end of the term. The profitable thing to do is to have the interest deposited to you every month, so you have the option of reinvesting it in the term deposit, to get interest on your interest.

Choosing rates

Investors must always select an investment scheme that offers a profitable rate concerning the investment term, and for that, sufficient market research is necessary. If there is more than one profitable term deposit scheme, then it may be a sign that you should diversify.

Thus, a little bit of patience and research are the key ingredients if you wish to multiply your investment money with term deposits successfully.

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